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- Under normal circumstances, the new brake pads need to be run in 200 kilometers to achieve the best braking effect, therefore, it is generally recommended that the vehicle that has just replaced the new brake pads must be driven carefully. U normalnim uvjetima vožnje ...Pročitajte više
Zašto se novi jastučići za kočnice ne mogu zaustaviti nakon što su instalirani?
Mogući razlozi su sljedeći: preporučuje se odlazak u servis za pregled ili zatražiti probnu vožnju nakon instalacije. 1, brake installation does not meet the requirements. 2. Površina kočnog diska kontaminirana je i ne očišćena. 3. Kočija cijev f ...Pročitajte više -
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Kakav je učinak na kočenje nakon vađenja?
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Zašto se podrhtava prilikom kočenja?
1, to je često uzrokovano kočnim jastučićima ili deformacijom kočnog diska. It is related to material, processing accuracy and heat deformation, including: thickness difference of brake disc, roundness of brake drum, uneven wear, heat deformation, heat spots and so on. Liječenje: C ...Pročitajte više - Kočni jastučići mogu se istrošiti prebrzo iz različitih razloga. Here are some common causes that can cause rapid wear of brake pads: Driving habits: Intense driving habits, such as frequent sudden braking, long-term high-speed driving, etc., will lead to increased brake p...Pročitajte više
Kako provjeriti jastučiće kočnice?
Pročitajte više - In high temperature weather, people are easy to "catch fire", and vehicles are also easy to "catch fire". Recently, I read some news reports, and the news about spontaneous combustion of cars is endless. What causes autoignition? Hot weather, brake pad smoke how to do? T ...Pročitajte više
Dizajn materijala i primjena kočnih jastučića
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