The service life of friction materials (ceramic brake pads) is another important requirement. Ovisno o vrsti materijala trenja i uvjetima korištenja, zahtjevi su također različiti. For example, how many kilometers of mileage are required for car brake pads?

Paru trošenja trenja glavni je razlog pogoršanja stanja kočenja. Friction works in the form of dynamic fit, and the material loss of friction surface gradually increases with the increase of the number of uses. When the wear accumulates to a certain extent, the characteristic parameters of dynamic friction pair gradually change and the working capacity is reduced. Nošenje drugih dijelova podudaranja također utječe na trošenje parova trenja. For example, the uneven wear of the brake CAM affects the lift of the CAM, which in turn affects the displacement of the shoe until it affects the contact between the friction material and the pair.

Post Vrijeme: siječanj-15-2025